Hi, my name's Jesse and I'm the creator behind Jupiter's Grace... a few fun things about me ~

*My Great Grandfather was also a jeweller, he had his workshop in Hatton Garden, London.*I was born and brought up in a Buddhist community in remote Scotland. *We have some unusual animal companions living with us; two rooks ~ Sky and Willow, a duck called Edmond, our three legged 18 year old cat ~ Puss and our dog Poppy. *My family and I cycled the Camino de Santiago in 2023 *I found a world war one bomb while out exploring with my daughters.

A bit about my processes ~

I hand sculpt each talisman in wax, then it is cast into precious metals through the lost wax method. The talisman collections I make are created in a playful and intuitive way, the wax really lends itself to an organic, hand made aesthetic. Current inspiration and the things that really get me excited are ancient artifacts, treasures lost and found, ancient textile fragments and metal detecting finds as well as the golden treasures of Etruscan, Greek and Roman times.

